This is our Journey. Join Us.
Join the revolution of the future with Majestic Coin,
digital currency backed by physical assets.
2021-2022 Accomplishments
November 2021
- Keynote FIN Africa-UAE Trade & Investment Forum
- Forbes Best of Africa Top crypto innovator award presented at the Burj Al Arab Dubai
- Keynote Africa Cashless Payment System Conference
- Cashless Africa Best digital currency of the year
February 2022
- Keynote, Majestic Coin – 4th Blockchain Dubai Int‘l Summit, Awards & Exhibition
- Vertex best blockchain of the year award and top entrepreneur of the year award.
April 2022
- Launch of Majestic Heads Podcast, a platform to deliver Majestic Coin updates as well as educate the listeners on all things blockchain related in Africa.
- Featured in 2 separate editions of Forbes magazine
June 2022
- Majestic Coin featured in the Summer 2022 Edition of the FIN (Foreign Investment Network) Magazine.
July 2022
- Majestic Coin launched Pilot program with the government of Zambia to educate and real life deployment of Majestic Starchain
August 2022
- Majestic Coin founder Solomon Mwamba announced to be one of the key speakers at UN General Assembly in NYC regarding Blockchain within the UN
September 2022
- Founder Solomon Mwamba speaks at the UN General Assembly regarding the impact of blockchain in Africa and the needs
November 2022
- The Blockchain Summit – Lusaka, Zambia
- Solomon Mwamba, Blockchain Man of the year award at the Blockchain Summit
- Solomon Mwamba, Inaugurated as a Titan of Africa in Dubai for top influential Africans of the century
- Majestic Starchain adopted officially into the United Towns Agency for all UN projects in Africa.
December 2022
- Global Partnerships formed
- Partnership formed with EST Group to start working on asset backed bonds
- Partnership announced with Ezipay Global to integrate Majestic Coin into its payment ecosystem