Due to some scheduling and team travels, we have postponed the Majestic Heads podcast for May 27, 2022 to the following week.

We also wanted to take this day to mourn our military who died serving the United States armed forces. Memorial Day first occurred on May 30, 1868, previously known as Decoration Day, proclaimed by the then Chief John A Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic in purpose of honoring the Union soldiers who died in Civil War. Official recognition of this date as a holiday began in New York in 1873, and by 1890s, every Union state adopted it. Despite all the celebrations and events going on, it’s important to take a moment of silence to remember our fallen heroes.

The Majestic Heads podcast Episode 5 will continue June 3rd weekend as we prepare to head to the African Union to continue paving the road for Majestic Coin.

Photo Credit: Twenty20.com