Majestic Star Chain operates by Proof of Stake which allows for faster transactions and sublime efficiency. Join our Validator Gladiators and earn interest on MJT today.

Our MMP are unique algorithms that connect real world prices and bring it into the crypto verse. This allows a unique feature called Majestic Commodities to be traded on our Majestic Swap Exchange.

We aren’t called StarChain for no reason. Communication with other Blockchains is an option now! This unique feature on our Starchain allows for interchain communication through our unique InterStellar bridge.

The Majestic Star Chain takes pride in Fast Transactions and Settlements. We can currently process more than 10,000 transactions per second, and have no limitations or barriers to scale greater at less than a penny in fees. Our mission for Warp Speed with low fees makes our platform a destination of choice for developers to banking institutions.