Original Article from YFM Ghana

The Abease paramount chief, Omanehene Obrempong Kru Tayki II, has installed Solomon Mwamba Wa NGOY as the crown chief of the African diaspora to spearhead development in the area. He was officially installed in a colorful ceremony held at the Abease Palace on Sunday 30th April 2023.

Solomon Mwamba Wa NGOY’s enstoolment is a momentous event in modern African history. The stool name Nana Kojo Mensah Pinanakohene, given to Solomon Mwamba Wa NGOY, is a recognition of his leadership qualities and his commitment to the development of African diaspora communities.

Umoja Kingdom, the newest Monarchy established in Africa, will benefit significantly from the appointment of Solomon as the crowned chief of the African Diaspora and chief advisor to the Omanehene of Abease traditional area-Bono East. The enstoolment is not just symbolic, but the most significant title given in the modern age for Africa.

The event was celebrated by kings from all over Ghana, with more than 110 kings and sub-chiefs in attendance to honor the enstoolment of the new chief, King Solomon, as he is affectionately called by the people.

In attendance were dignitaries, including members of the Council of State, government officials, chiefs from other communities; Moohene of Kintampo Kwaku Danqua, Nana Fanyinma III Wangalahene and a host of others. They all congratulated the new chief and urged him to work hard to make a positive impact in the lives of the people.

Nana Kojo Mensah has been allotted over 100,000 acres of land for Umoja kingdom; the Majestic Stable Coin will be used in his jurisdiction. This is a significant step towards developing the Abease area and uniting the African diaspora. Umoja estates will provide much-needed job….

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